Photographer: By Jessica Nguyen, Jessica Nguyen | byjessicanguyen.com/
Location: Round Lake, IL
Photo Shoot Date: September 10, 2015 | Post Release Date: October 21, 2017

White Sleeveless Crop Top | H&M
Letter Patterned Denim A-Line Skirt | Forever 21
Tan Platform Heels | T.J.Maxx
Tan Cross-body purse | T.J. Max
What better way to celebrate the next chapter of my life (read: going off to college) than to cut off my hair and do a photoshoot with my sister. As my second ever photoshoot, you can tell that I am still struggling in the positioning of legs and facial expressions department (I partially blame the sun for this part), but I am having fun so that's what really matters.
I really love the white and light wash denim look, so this is another summery take on this trend. I would say the main component of this look would be the patterned denim skirt. I like that the skirt pattern is random letters because it keeps the look interesting. The length of the skirt is also nice because it keeps the look flirty despite the skirt being high waisted, which goes perfectly with the white sleeveless crop top.
If you don't already own a white crop top like this, I encourage you to go out and buy one because ooh you can do so much with this one top. Style it up or down, it's all really up to you!
To keep with the light and summery feel, I went with tan platform heels since I think platform heels also speak to the fun and flirty nature of this outfit. I also enjoy the cute buckles. They also aren't too bad in the comfort department.
I kept the accessories pretty minimal once again with just a tan cross-body. I tried to find a purse that resembled the shade of tan of my heels since I didn't want to distract from the focus of the outfit aka the skirt. It's also a nice touch that there were buckles on the purse and the heels. As you can probably tell, I'm all about consistency of elements/materials in outfits.
I am not sure if this is an accessory or a helpful must-have in one's closet, but I would invest in those things that can hide your bra straps when you wear anything sleeveless. I got a pretty cheap pack that came in white, black, and clear and were heart-shaped. I didn't have them at the time of this photoshoot, but I definitely wear them all the time now whenever I wear a sleeveless top.